Tag Archive: review

Flippin’ GB Boy Clone


Well, my clear blue GB Boy Pocket arrived from china new in box. It cost me $20 total, 3 weeks arrival time, but it has been worth it. It runs slightly faster on graphics and sound which gives it a hyper feel and makes playing more fun. The only downside I could find was that the pocket power adapter doesn’t work with it even though they’re both made in china. Irony.

Bit Generations for Christmas!


These are four Digilux Bit Generations for Game Boy Advance, including Orbital, Dotstream,  Digidrive, & Dialhex. Right in time for christmas eve cookies & mistletoe. I got all four in like new condition for $24, the same price as only one of them brand new. Hell yeah! All four are rated the most interesting in online reviews out of the seven  in the Digilux Series. I’ll report back after I explore them a bit…get it… bit. ;P